Sunday, July 11, 2004

I really do

It was confirmed to me on Saturday, incidently at my graduation, that I have a genetic make-up which makes me sneeze in bright lights. Although rigioursly contested by my sort-of brother in law, I hypothesised about this when, during a car journey along the M6, both my pregnant sister and I sneezed in unison after emerging from a bridge we'd been stopped under for some minutes.

Proof of this rare condition, which I am going to call 'Monks' sneezing sydrome', was found at 12.42 on Saturday the 10th of July, 2004 when the sun, hidden for many minutes behind a low cumulus cloud, broke though its barrier with relitively bright sunshine. This caused my 2 sisters and myself to sneeze together, as if we were practicing for a sneezing performance.

I shall post the results of my sneezing investigation soon...


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